Saturday, September 13, 2008

Bad Blogger! Bad! BAD!

Oh My Goodness, I've been a very very bad blogger!

Everything's gone crazy crazy crazy... I have been working on products left and right for my store at DID!! :D

Also, Alisan was in the hospital, I've been super swamped with keeping up with AliSarah while she was sick! And, I have a new Scrap For Hire Job I'm working on!! I never even got around to posting my last Scrap For Hire Job up for you guys to see it... :( (Not that I'm deluded into thinking there are a lot of you guys, but you know what I mean!! :D)

Anyhow, I put my first product into my store at DID, it's on sale right now for super cheap!! :D

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And, of course, for those who like to try before they buy, here's a nice freebie for you!! :D

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Next week is my official store opening so there will be lots of great deals in the store for you starting on Wednesday!! :D

I've been working on collab kits like crazy... I'm working on 2 and in the planning stage on the 3rd... it's craziness!! :D

For the record, Scrap for Hire progress: 6 out of 20 pages completed!! :D

School started!! Rachel seems to be liking 8th grade!! :D

Woohoo!! Catch you soon!! I'm gonna be a better blogger, I promise!
