That's my kits in the number 2 and 3 positions!! I gotta tell you, I wasn't thinking I was doing very well in this contest the first 2 weeks, but this week and last week have made me feel better about it!! I am just hoping to get to sell my stuff in a store, because I love making stuff, and I love sharing my stuff with people who like to use stuff!! :D
AND, yesterday, I was listed on the IKEA Goddess Blog!! with both my Henna Henna Bo Benna Kit and the Add On Kit for it too!! I'm so EXCITED!! :D
Scrap for hire progress: 12/ 20 completed and approved, YAY!! :D
Back to work for me!! More news coming soon!! :D
found ya through ikea goddess... love the HHBB kit and add on. Thanks for sharing!